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Wedding Videos

Wedding Videos

We are eagerly waiting for our professional wedding photos and videos to arrive, but in the meantime, I compiled a playlist using footage captured by our family and friends. Here are three of my favorite moments from our wedding reception:

First Dance

James and I took ten lessons at the Big Apple Ballroom a couple months before our wedding. We chose Ed Sheeran's "Thinking Out Loud" as our first dance song, initially wanting to replicate the dance from the music video. We quickly realized that learning Ed's choreography within ten lessons was a bit overly ambitious. However, learning to dance together was still one of the most fun parts of our wedding preparations. We would even consider taking more lessons, but we don't have any upcoming events to perform at. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy our twirling and lifting in this dance:

First Dance

Here are videos from two different angles: alternate 1 | alternate 2

Hannah's Maid of Honor Speech

My best friend Hannah gave the most beautiful maid of honor speech. I laughed, I cried, and I've watched it countless times since. I didn't shed a tear my entire wedding day, until partway through Hannah speaking. My mom told me that even her friends were moved to tears by Hannah's heartfelt words.

Hannah's Maid of Honor Speech

Melosa Singing "I Wanna Dance with Somebody"

The last time I saw my baby cousin Melosa, she looked like this. It was incredible to witness her transformation into a full grown person and a talented performer! She wowed everyone with her rendition of "I Wanna Dance with Somebody".

And more!

There were so many more fun memories from our wedding weekend. Here's the full playlist, which includes moments like this: