1 min read

Cashew Chicken

Cashew Chicken

In pursuit of my goal to cook more regularly, I made Instant Pot Cashew Chicken today using this recipe:

Instant Pot Cashew Chicken
Your favorite takeout can now be made completely in the Instant Pot with clean ingredients! This Instant Pot Cashew Chicken Stir Fry is perfect for

The dish turned out delicious, and I made several decisions to streamline the process as part of our new meal planning routine:

  1. Planning ahead: Yesterday morning, James and I mapped out all our meals for the week, compiled the grocery list, and bookmarked the corresponding recipes.
  2. Separating tasks: Instead of combining grocery shopping and cooking into one session, James handled the shopping yesterday while I focused on cooking today.
  3. Using time well: Rather than waiting until we were tired and famished at the end of the work day to start cooking, I used my breaks in between meetings to prep the ingredients and set them in the Instant Pot, so that by 6pm, dinner was ready and waiting.

Breaking things down these tasks in manageable steps made preparing the meal much less daunting. I'm hoping this is a routine that will get us cooking more regularly.